0429 978 167
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website by Poppen Designs

Information for the photo shoot

Wear fairly neutral, not overly patterned clothing. Please choose colours that are similar in colour tone. When there are groups of people, don’t pick colours that will clash with each other.

Make sure children have been rested, have eaten and are not forced to wear something they don’t like. Tell them a friend will be joining us for a bit of fun at the location we decide.

Bring their favourite toys they enjoy playing with, ie balls, cuddly toys a picnic blanket and an umbrella/wet weather gear in case of rain. I usually make the photo sessions lots of fun. The sessions are very relaxed, so that everyone has a great time and is not really thinking about being photographed.

If you have any questions about the photo shoot please don’t hesitate to contact me at or on 0429 978 167.

Form to fill out and return
Please download and fill in the attached booking and consent form and send back to me a month before the shoot to confirm your booking.
You can print the form or scan and send back either by email or send the signed copy to
PO Box 461 Kippax ACT 2615

Booking and Consent Form

Looking forward to hearing from you.